CS173 * Bungee Cord * K
CS173 * Bungee Cord * K
A 90cm. cord with large steel hook attachments.
Ideal for securing items in place such as tarpaulins.
size : 90 cm.
dia : 8 mm.
weight (kg) : 0.1400
material : Black Bungee with large steel hook design.
A bungee cord, also known as a shock cord – and in Australia, an occy strap or octopus strap.
This elastic cord composed of one or more elastic strands forming a core, usually covered in a woven cotton or polypropylene sheath.
The sheath does not materially extend elastically, but it is braided with its strands spiralling around the core so that a longitudinal pull causes it to squeeze the core, transmitting the core’s elastic compression to the longitudinal extension of the sheath and cord.